COALITION Wiki Difference between revisions of "After-Action Reviews (AARs)"

Difference between revisions of "After-Action Reviews (AARs)"

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== Visual AARs ==
== Visual AARs ==
Visual AARs are currently under construction.
All visual AARs can be found here:

Revision as of 05:57, 26 January 2018

There are two AAR types. Text AARs and visual AARs.

Text AARs

Text AARs are used by all members to describe their experience in sessions as well as recommend changes to mission files and critique leaders above you. No member is required to post text AARs, but all members are recommended to do so in order to improve all aspects of mission design and play.

All previous text AARs can be found here.

Visual AARs

All visual AARs can be found here: