COALITION Wiki Difference between revisions of "Rules and Regulations"

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'''In Game:'''
Below you will find a generalized list of rules and regulations within Coalition. They are numbered and broken down into three main sections:<br><br>

*Respect Briefings: Briefings are always the first step in a mission and usually determine the flow of the rest of the mission. For leadership, briefings should be limited to 10 minutes at most. This time includes the command briefing and the individual squad briefings. This is done to prevent over-planning when it probably is not necessary. For non-leadership, the briefing is a time to check your gear and alert admins to any problems. Everyone that is not involved the command briefing needs to stay far away from the meeting or move when asked by command. Voices should also be kept in checked and lowered when asked by command. When getting briefed make sure you are listening and asking questions. Finally if anyone has any suggestions for a plan it should be done in the briefing. After briefing is done the plan will be set. Actions that go against the plan should not be done unless approved by leadership. You should also not express disapproval of a plan during the mission if you are not in a leadership role.
'''1.)''' Community<br>
'''2.)''' Session<br>
'''3.)''' Tertiary<br><br>

*Respect Command: Players that choose a command role need to perform with a certain behavior and should be treated in a certain way. Taking a command role means you are first agreeing to lead the mission in that role up to the end of the mission. You are responsible for the people you are leading. Intentionally and purposefully killing people you are leading is not acceptable. You are also in charge of making sure people below you are not acting inappropriately during a mission. For everyone, the chain of command is set up to help missions run smoothly and to add a structure to the group. It is your job to listen to people in a higher leadership position. This also means following their orders. You can express your objections but should still follow the orders if the leadership member doesn't change the given order.
--> ''HQ reserves the right to update rules as necessary.<br>--> It is every Company member's responsibility to read and understand the rules.''  <br>

*There are few excuses to loot dead enemies. By default, all gear except weapons are stripped from enemy corpses - the only ammo they'll have is what's in those weapons. As such, you should ONLY procure an enemy primary weapon if you are otherwise UNABLE TO FIRE and in IMMINENT DANGER. Otherwise, find a teammate to resupply from or pass it up the chain. If your FTL is alive, always ASK before procuring an enemy weapon of any kind - This serves two purposes; makes sure he's okay with you slowing down the FT's movements and dropping your security where applicable, and lets him know to pass on to the SL and other FT that you are wielding an enemy weapon. If you fail to do this, expect to receive friendly fire. Looted AT weapons should go to the fireteam's Rifleman AT if he has expended his launcher. Lastly, if your FTL has cleared you to procure an enemy primary weapon and you have a valid reason for doing so - retain your own rifle. If you need it that desperately, you'll have room in your backpack. Resupply from friendlies at the earliest opportunity.
==Community Rules (out-of-game)==
Community rules cover everything outside of ArmA sessions. While these rules are specific to non-gameplay elements, '''they still apply in-game'''.
===General Conduct===
Your attitude while interacting with any element of the community should be adult-oriented. This means bringing up issues in an appropriate way, approaching others you may have issues with, or accurately fixing issues as you see them.
Toxicity in any form will not be tolerated in the community. While emotions do run wild during sessions, any issues that appear should be dealt with on the spot as long as it does not interfere with the [ session flow].
While there isn't a specified ranking structure in Coalition, it is every active members responsibility to understand that HQ is the final say on topics. Respect should be given to all members as well as decisions made by HQ.

Discord usage is a requirement for all members.
You are responsible for every post you make.
====Use Appropriate Channels====
All members under the Coalition banner must use the appropriate channels in discord when posting any content. [ Use this page as a quick reference on each channel's usage].
Memes must be relevant to any channel they're posted in. Otherwise, any safe-for-work meme can be posted in #general.
No memes or joking material of any type is to be posted in the #battalion discord channel.
====NSFW/DFAC Material====
The only channel authorized for NSFW material is the #dfac channel.
Do not mute @here and @everyone. NCOs are the only personnel who can use it so it won't be spammed.

Furthermore, leave these channels un-muted for important info:
Teamspeak is only required when attending session or playing other games with the community. However, it is recommended that you idle teamspeak to show activity.
====Channel Usage====
Channel usage is to be respected at all times. Don't attempt to push others out of a channel or interfere with what they're doing.
===Organizing in Other Games===
Any time the community has five or more '''active''' players in another game, they are expected to organize into it.

Example: Five company members begin playing an MMO. They draw the attention of others within the community who wish to join. To support the build-up in players, they should create a guild.
==Session Rules (in-game)==
Session rules are specific elements of gameplay that generally only apply while in an official Coalition session or impromptu.
===Slotting Screen===
The slotting screen is used to slot all members into the active mission.
====Voice Activation/"Hot-micing"====
If using voice activation, a push-to-mute bind '''is required'''. Hot-mic'ing will not be tolerated.

*30 minutes before every session we have pre-join. This is to ensure that you have no issues joining the server, or trouble with any mods. During pre-join you’re free to mess around, however you should still not be doing stupid shit. If you have any issues, admins can help you but it is your responsibility to make sure your mod pack is updated and working. Do not expect admins to help you after a session begins.
Consistent hot-mic'ing will result in removal of voice activation ability.

====Slotting Method====
The HQ session admin will call slotting in this order:<br>
Leaders and Medics
Specialists and NCOs
Recruits and Public Players
Grunts & Everybody else

Only one (1) HQ member will conduct slotting. All company members will communicate through text while at the slotting screen.
====Time limit====
Slotting should not take any longer than three (3) minutes.
====Slotting Limitations====
All community members should take roles that they are familiar with and authorized to take.<br>
Recruit limitations:<br>
Assistant Automatic Rifleman
Rifleman (AT)
Vehicle Driver
MMG/MAT/HAT/SAM/ST Assistant/Spotter
Grunt limitations:

*Before every mission there will be a slotting phase. This phase is split up into a few parts. First, we slot leaders and medics. These are the most important roles. Establishing the leadership is important before we slot everyone else, as leadership determines what roles are to be taken. If everyone were to be able to slot freely with no structure, some issues would occur during the mission itself. After the leaders and medic phase comes the specialties, these are slots like Helicopter Pilots or HMG Teams. When we’re done with specialties it’s time to slot “normal” slots, such as AARs, Riflemen AT. (See Fireteam Structure) When we slot these roles, new-joins will slot first. This is to ensure that the recruits will have more experienced members within their fireteam, in case they run into any issues.
<br>As of 2022, Grunts are no longer limited to the slots they can take but are expected to begin fireteam and squad leading at their own pace once they understand how the fireteam and squad works respectively.

*It is important that you listen when slotting occurs. Having people talk over each other in the lobby during the slotting phase will only slow things down. We don’t have a system to make everyone shut up, we trust you’re all grown up enough to know when the time comes. Slotting is not something that should take long, and you should be quiet and wait for the mission to start. Pick your slots, and don’t worry if you don’t get the specific slot that you want. We run several missions every session, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to try different things. There’s plenty of time to talk during the briefing, and during the mission itself. These conversations should therefore be saved for when the mission starts.
Grunts are limited to max one (1) specialty per session

===Briefing Period===
The briefing period is the first ten (10) minutes after loading into the mission but may go over if the mission is complicated.
====Squad Leaders and Platoon Leaders====
During this time, all squad-leaders and above are required to meet in order to plan the mission as best as possible. After PL briefs the SLs, it is the SLs responsibility to brief their FTLs.
====Fireteam Leaders and General Infantry====
During this time, '''all''' General Infantry are to read their briefing of the situation and verify they have all the necessary gear to complete their objective(s). Once all FTLs have received their briefings from their SL, it is the FTLs responsibility to refine the plan on the fireteam level and answer any questions fireteam members may have.
===Mission Start===
Once the mission safe-start timer ends and "Mission Start" appears, weapons are live and you are expected to perform the mission to the best of your ability as described in the briefing.
===Session Flow===
You are expected to play the mission to the best of your ability from start to finish. The mission flow shouldn't be interrupted by issues or outside communication.
You are expected to stay in "character" at all times. This means you don't talk about how you have a hot new co-worker while moving to an objective.
===After-action Review===
After each mission, take a moment to follow the pinned template in #aar in discord to discuss the mission.

'''Out of Game:'''
Meta gaming is relaying any information about mission-related content that shouldn't be known. This is not allowed in any shape or form.

*The Golden Rule - do unto others as you would like done to you. We trust you all know how to act like adults.
'''Example:''' You get killed and are able to see the enemy team's location. You then choose to message someone alive on a third-party platform (like steam) about their locations.

*Be yourself. This is a fraternity, but it can’t function if we don’t actually get to know each other.
===External Mods/Help===
**We are not a milsim community outside of our ARMA sessions. Yes, we do take our main game seriously, but when we’re just hanging out, we’re all just dudes who like to play video games sometimes. If you’re worried about milsim aspects creeping into daily life in the Coalition, don’t be.
No external modifications of the game client or PBOs(mods) are authorized while in session. If it's not in the modpack or it gives you an advantage over other players, you can't use it.
Real bigotry is not tolerated at all. If you have extreme prejudices, feel free to not share them. That being said, you need to have a thick skin to be a part of this group. Don’t expect we will accommodate any emotional baggage if you find yourself offended, we expect you all to be grown ups.
This should be an environment of improvement as well. Seek out suggestions to improve in game and offer advice when you can. Keep in mind this discussion should be done respectfully with the intention of improvement and not laying blame.

===In-game Issues===
====Player Issues====
If, for any reason, you are having issues with a member during a session, you should immediately ask them to stop what they're doing to affect the fun of the session for you '''IF POSSIBLE'''. Your interaction with them should not interrupt the session flow for anyone. If the matter is out of your hands, use the "Message Admin" feature.
=====Team Killing=====
All forms of team killing are frowned upon and will not be tolerated. Alternatively, "vigilante justice" is not a thing and will result in players removed from session.
Insubordination is the one in-game no-go we have. Plans are not always the best, and you're free to voice your opinion to your superior about it in order to change it, but DO NOT attempt to go against the platoon plan or your orders.
As a leader, you're expected to support the platoon plan 100%. This is especially true to how you act about the plan around GI. Take what you are given and make the best of it.
====Technical Issues====
Use the "Message Admin" feature to have any technical issues rectified.

'''Forums and Discord:'''
==Tertiary Rules ==
===Creating Other Discord Servers===
Groups of company members are allowed to create other coalition-related discords to further game play elements in other games only.<br>

*Remember the old adage from 2004, what goes on the internet never goes away. Just keep that in mind.
'''Example:''' A group of 5+ members are currently organizing a trading company in the game ''Naval Action''. To support their actions, they create another discord in order to better organize themselves.
*Discord can get clogged up pretty easily if we’re all chatting it up in a public channel, be aware of other’s trains of thoughts, don’t clog up the channel
Anything Coalition-related should be kept within the main coalition discord. The only time this changes is when it encompasses multiple members playing a new game and an entire other discord will help organize them.
===Creating Session Missions===
*Complaining, whining, bitching, and generally acting like an idiot within discord while touching on any multitude of topics related to the community will result in an instant mute within discord. Coalition HQ and SPC owe no one anything, and as such, will suppress people who consistently stir shit.
All sessions missions must be on the latest version of the Coalition Mission Framework(CMF) found here: [ Framesworks].
===Creating Mods===
*Keep shitposting in #general to a minimum, especially when people are actually discussing. It’s our main channel as a group, and therefore acts as a general melting pot for discussion. Anything goes here, just remain mindful.
Any company member is free to use any asset in the modpack to create new mods. If you plan to release the mod publicly, it must have some sort of credit pointed towards Coalition.
===Creating SQF/Scripts===
*Be aware of the topic of your post/chat. Post it in the right channel or on the right board for the topic.
Any company member is free to use any asset in the CMF to create new scripts. If you plan to release the script publicly, it must have some sort of credit pointed towards Coalition.
===Creating Impromptu Sessions===
*The "nowplaying" channel in discord is purely for announcing play sessions. If you are looking for people to play a game with, you should use the @here command to let the group know. Anyone online should see it and come flocking to play 2007 Runescape with you. However, this channel is not for discussion. Keep discussion of games (and any play sessions mentioned in #nowplaying) to #othergames.
A Company member is free to create their own impromptu sessions. It is recommended that you post the mission ahead of time in the [ "Impromptu Sessions" forum] in order to plan it ahead of time.  
*Keep things safe for work. People check discord at work or in class, and we’ve got people in every single time zone. There is no time of day where you don’t run the risk of getting someone in trouble if you’ve got NSFW material in public channels. Keep these posts in places where people don’t run a risk of getting in trouble for looking at dodgy pictures (teamspeak, private chats, etc).
During the impromptu, it is the hosting company member's responsibility to ensure the impromptu is run smoothly and without issue. It is '''their''' impromptu session.
====Types of missions====
Company members should expect lower turnouts to impromptu sessions in comparison to main sessions. Each impromptu mission should be scaled back and easy to plan/control.
===Content Creation===
====Producing Videos====
For rules on producing videos, [ click here].

Latest revision as of 19:32, 26 June 2022

Below you will find a generalized list of rules and regulations within Coalition. They are numbered and broken down into three main sections:

1.) Community
2.) Session
3.) Tertiary

--> HQ reserves the right to update rules as necessary.
--> It is every Company member's responsibility to read and understand the rules.

Community Rules (out-of-game)

Community rules cover everything outside of ArmA sessions. While these rules are specific to non-gameplay elements, they still apply in-game.

General Conduct


Your attitude while interacting with any element of the community should be adult-oriented. This means bringing up issues in an appropriate way, approaching others you may have issues with, or accurately fixing issues as you see them.


Toxicity in any form will not be tolerated in the community. While emotions do run wild during sessions, any issues that appear should be dealt with on the spot as long as it does not interfere with the session flow.


While there isn't a specified ranking structure in Coalition, it is every active members responsibility to understand that HQ is the final say on topics. Respect should be given to all members as well as decisions made by HQ.


Discord usage is a requirement for all members.


You are responsible for every post you make.

Use Appropriate Channels

All members under the Coalition banner must use the appropriate channels in discord when posting any content. Use this page as a quick reference on each channel's usage.


Memes must be relevant to any channel they're posted in. Otherwise, any safe-for-work meme can be posted in #general.


No memes or joking material of any type is to be posted in the #battalion discord channel.

NSFW/DFAC Material

The only channel authorized for NSFW material is the #dfac channel.


Do not mute @here and @everyone. NCOs are the only personnel who can use it so it won't be spammed.

Furthermore, leave these channels un-muted for important info:



Teamspeak is only required when attending session or playing other games with the community. However, it is recommended that you idle teamspeak to show activity.

Channel Usage

Channel usage is to be respected at all times. Don't attempt to push others out of a channel or interfere with what they're doing.

Organizing in Other Games

Any time the community has five or more active players in another game, they are expected to organize into it.

Example: Five company members begin playing an MMO. They draw the attention of others within the community who wish to join. To support the build-up in players, they should create a guild.

Session Rules (in-game)

Session rules are specific elements of gameplay that generally only apply while in an official Coalition session or impromptu.

Slotting Screen

The slotting screen is used to slot all members into the active mission.

Voice Activation/"Hot-micing"

If using voice activation, a push-to-mute bind is required. Hot-mic'ing will not be tolerated.

Consistent hot-mic'ing will result in removal of voice activation ability.

Slotting Method

The HQ session admin will call slotting in this order:

Leaders and Medics
Specialists and NCOs 
Recruits and Public Players
Grunts & Everybody else 


Only one (1) HQ member will conduct slotting. All company members will communicate through text while at the slotting screen.

Time limit

Slotting should not take any longer than three (3) minutes.

Slotting Limitations

All community members should take roles that they are familiar with and authorized to take.
Recruit limitations:

Assistant Automatic Rifleman
Rifleman (AT)
Vehicle Driver
MMG/MAT/HAT/SAM/ST Assistant/Spotter

Grunt limitations:

As of 2022, Grunts are no longer limited to the slots they can take but are expected to begin fireteam and squad leading at their own pace once they understand how the fireteam and squad works respectively.

Grunts are limited to max one (1) specialty per session

Briefing Period

The briefing period is the first ten (10) minutes after loading into the mission but may go over if the mission is complicated.

Squad Leaders and Platoon Leaders

During this time, all squad-leaders and above are required to meet in order to plan the mission as best as possible. After PL briefs the SLs, it is the SLs responsibility to brief their FTLs.

Fireteam Leaders and General Infantry

During this time, all General Infantry are to read their briefing of the situation and verify they have all the necessary gear to complete their objective(s). Once all FTLs have received their briefings from their SL, it is the FTLs responsibility to refine the plan on the fireteam level and answer any questions fireteam members may have.

Mission Start

Once the mission safe-start timer ends and "Mission Start" appears, weapons are live and you are expected to perform the mission to the best of your ability as described in the briefing.

Session Flow

You are expected to play the mission to the best of your ability from start to finish. The mission flow shouldn't be interrupted by issues or outside communication.


You are expected to stay in "character" at all times. This means you don't talk about how you have a hot new co-worker while moving to an objective.

After-action Review

After each mission, take a moment to follow the pinned template in #aar in discord to discuss the mission.


Meta gaming is relaying any information about mission-related content that shouldn't be known. This is not allowed in any shape or form.

Example: You get killed and are able to see the enemy team's location. You then choose to message someone alive on a third-party platform (like steam) about their locations.

External Mods/Help

No external modifications of the game client or PBOs(mods) are authorized while in session. If it's not in the modpack or it gives you an advantage over other players, you can't use it.

In-game Issues

Player Issues

If, for any reason, you are having issues with a member during a session, you should immediately ask them to stop what they're doing to affect the fun of the session for you IF POSSIBLE. Your interaction with them should not interrupt the session flow for anyone. If the matter is out of your hands, use the "Message Admin" feature.

Team Killing

All forms of team killing are frowned upon and will not be tolerated. Alternatively, "vigilante justice" is not a thing and will result in players removed from session.


Insubordination is the one in-game no-go we have. Plans are not always the best, and you're free to voice your opinion to your superior about it in order to change it, but DO NOT attempt to go against the platoon plan or your orders.


As a leader, you're expected to support the platoon plan 100%. This is especially true to how you act about the plan around GI. Take what you are given and make the best of it.

Technical Issues

Use the "Message Admin" feature to have any technical issues rectified.

Tertiary Rules

Creating Other Discord Servers

Groups of company members are allowed to create other coalition-related discords to further game play elements in other games only.

Example: A group of 5+ members are currently organizing a trading company in the game Naval Action. To support their actions, they create another discord in order to better organize themselves.


Anything Coalition-related should be kept within the main coalition discord. The only time this changes is when it encompasses multiple members playing a new game and an entire other discord will help organize them.

Creating Session Missions

All sessions missions must be on the latest version of the Coalition Mission Framework(CMF) found here: Framesworks.

Creating Mods

Any company member is free to use any asset in the modpack to create new mods. If you plan to release the mod publicly, it must have some sort of credit pointed towards Coalition.

Creating SQF/Scripts

Any company member is free to use any asset in the CMF to create new scripts. If you plan to release the script publicly, it must have some sort of credit pointed towards Coalition.

Creating Impromptu Sessions

A Company member is free to create their own impromptu sessions. It is recommended that you post the mission ahead of time in the "Impromptu Sessions" forum in order to plan it ahead of time.


During the impromptu, it is the hosting company member's responsibility to ensure the impromptu is run smoothly and without issue. It is their impromptu session.

Types of missions

Company members should expect lower turnouts to impromptu sessions in comparison to main sessions. Each impromptu mission should be scaled back and easy to plan/control.

Content Creation

Producing Videos

For rules on producing videos, click here.