SPG-9 Guide
The SPG-9 comes in two variants in our modpack. The SPG-9 and the updated SPG-9M. The SPG-9 will not have the Tandem HEAT rounds, and will not have a crosshair for the HEF rounds. These launchers are very simple to use. These launchers can be found on tripods and mounted on light vehicles. Additionally the optic is very similar to what you find on early BMP/BMDs. The RPG-7 optics are similar as well.
HEAT optic
This optic seems to work for both the PG-9N(HEAT) and PG-9VNT(Tandem HEAT) rounds. View full picture for better view of ranging scale.
600m Target
Even though the Panzer IV was not the intended cold war era target for these optics, it makes a great example since it stands 2.68m tall.
HEF optic
This optic has a man sized 1.7m scale and is meant for the HEF round only. SPG-9M appears to be the only variant with this crosshair. You can change to it by using your zoom in keybind.