New Infantry Guide
Welcome to the new infantryman's guide to surviving the coalition session. The purpose in the guide is to introduce you to how the community of Coalition conducts warfare and what you need to know before the bullets start flying, rather than what the US military does in the real world. While our tactics, techniques, and procedures sometimes match and greatly pull from our real-world counterparts, it would be silly to teach you real-world tactics for a virtual environment like some "super-milsim" group.
With that in mind, take this guide seriously as you'll be expected to know and perform techniques written here in real time during sessions.
The Platoon Structure
PL - Platoon Lead Element Size: 2-4 Players Rank(s): Lieutenant Consists of the platoon leader (PL) and chief medical officer. Depending on the mission scenario, supports such as aircraft, armored vehicles, and/or crew served weapons will also be attached to the PL's command.
ASL - Alpha Squad Lead Element Size: 2 Players Rank(s): Staff Sergeant Consists of the Alpha Squad Leader (ASL) and Alpha Medic. These two work directly with the fireteam leaders to maneuver infantry in the most efficient manner possible. When not commanding, reports all battle information higher to the platoon leader and/or supports above him.
BSL - Bravo Squad Lead Element Size: 2 Players Rank(s): Staff Sergeant Consists of the Bravo Squad Leader (BSL) and Bravo Medic. These two work directly with the fireteam leaders to maneuver infantry in the most efficient manner possible. When not commanding, reports all battle information higher to the platoon leader and/or supports above him.
CSL - Charlie Squad Lead Element Size: 2 Players Rank(s): Staff Sergeant Consists of the Charlie Squad Leader (CSL) and Charlie Medic. These two work directly with the fireteam leaders to maneuver infantry in the most efficient manner possible. When not commanding, reports all battle information higher to the platoon leader and/or supports above him.