COALITION Wiki Gearscripting


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How to make custom Gearscripts:

Gearscript 1.png

1st Step: In the workbench, in COALITIONFramework/Gearscripts create your gear script config file naming it CRF_GS_{INSERTHERE}. When asked to choose a class choose CRF_GearScriptConfig.

2nd Step: From there look up GearScriptEditor in the search bar, open the world CRF_GearScriptConfigTestWorld.ent.

This will load you into the world editor, press the gray dropdown button to the right of the green play button and select “Play in Fullscreen” then press the green play button to load into the mission. From there follow the lobby screen into the mission itself. Gearscript 2.png

3rd Step: Once in the mission itself you will see a line of arsenals with their gear corresponding to their nations flag. Go into those arsenals and from there you will see the gear script editor UI.

Gearscript 3.png

Notes about the UI:

- The 2nd Weapon Slot is how you set AT, MAT, HAT and AA.

- Everything EXCEPT AR, MMG, HMG, AT, MAT, HAT, AA, and Sniper can have multiple entries which will be determined randomly when handing out gear.

- Any attachments you put on these weapons will be captured and added to the configs.

- The magazines and rockets given to the players will be determined by whatever rocket/magazine you have in the gun when you enter it into the UI.

- Faction name is the name that will be displayed in the lobby menu.

-The selected side only determines what medical gear and equipment is given out, like radios and binoculars.

Gearscript 4.png

4th Step: Once your gear script is built out in the UI you will set the File Name by going to the original config you created in step 1, right clicking on the file and selecting Copy Resource Name(s). From there go back into the UI and replace “{D3B6188EF875E2C4}Configs/Gearscripts/CRF_GS_US80s.conf” with the resource name that you copied. From their click export and you are finished in the Gear Script Editor.

5th Step(Optional): If you further want to build out your Gear Script open up the config file itself. In there you will see Custom Faction Gear in here you can set up custom gear for roles to give them flavor. Like leaders having a specific vest or if you want to give certain roles more inventory items.Gearscript 5.png

How to include Gearscripts in Missions:

Step 1: Put down the units you want, these are located in [COALITIONFramework > Prefabs > Groups > Side(BLUFOR, OPFOR etc.) > Faction (US80s etc.) > Group Type (Command, Infantry etc.) > ] then the prefab for the group you want. Do this until you have your layouts you want.

Step 2: Go to the GameMode_Lobby-12 entity and select the CRF_GearScriptGamemodeComponent and select the Gear Script Settings dropdown you want.

Step 3: Where it says "Gear Script" and then has a blank box/CRF_GS_US80s.conf, select the .. button at the end of that row and select the gearscript you want. If it's blank, gearscripts are located in [COALITIONFramework > Configs > Gearscripts > Standard > Era > .conf file].