Coalition Syllabus
ArmA is first and foremost a community-driven game. When we desire a feature, we create it. When we desired a fraternity, a close knit element of ArmA enthusiasts and content creators - we founded it. Since October of 2016, we have been creating private organized sessions in ArmA in order to support the "arma without the bullshit" attitude. Unlike other communities, we value solid gameplay and mission design to empower players and not fake ranks. A Community like no other, comprised of individuals who embody our values of Teamwork, Engaging Gameplay, Competition, and Fun. Since then, we've swelled to well over 100 members and have our own operating procedures and in-game elements that put us above the others.
This syllabus is designed to introduce you to the community as well as inform you on what you need to do next. Follow the instructions and you'll be in-game in no time. If you have any other questions, ask anyone in the #barracks channel on discord!
Your first steps
Your dossier is step one in the joining process. It comprises of information about yourself and serves as a first introduction to the other members of the community. It is also a living document. In the event you will be absent from the community for extended periods of time or have a major life change you want to inform others about, simply posting in your dossier keeps us updated.
1.) Log into the forums and navigate to the dossier forum:
2.) Create a new thread and name it
[Dossier] yourNameHere
3.) Inside the body of the post, copy and this and add your information:
[b]Full name: ArmA3 Player ID: Steam Profile URL: Join Date: Availability Percentage:[/b] At least a paragraph about yourself, gaming ventures, etc.... This can be anything you deem appropriate or that you want others to know about yourself. Images of yourself here(required)