CFC Rules

Revision as of 14:27, 23 April 2024 by Tanaka (talk | contribs)

While we do not wish to be overbearing host. We do still intend to keep things civil and fair in our home.

Please remember that our members spend their time and money to allow us to put these events together. And as such we will remove anyone being disruptive or sabotaging things on purpose.

HQ reserves the right to update rules as necessary.

Don't talk about fight club


During slotting we ask that you mute your mic or use PTT to ensure the admin running slotting can be heard by everyone.

Repeated issues will result in a kick from the game lobby until the issue is resolved.

We may also remove voice activation permissions in discord if its an issue there.

More information about slotting can be found on the Slotting & Connecting page

Game play

These sessions consist largely of one life missions. We ask that you try to stay immersed in your role and character as best as you can for the best experience by adhering to these rules!

Chain of Command

To the best of your abilities you should adhere to the in-game chain of command. If you disagree with a plan feel free to constructively suggest alternatives if there is time to do so.

Otherwise if you have grievances save it for the AAR channel in discord.

Team killing

All forms of team killing are frowned upon and will not be tolerated. Alternatively, "vigilante justice" is not a thing and will result in players removed from session. If you think you've been purposefully team killed contact the admin team.

Rule of Twos

In the interest of fair play. And with intent of keeping things focused on team play. If you find yourself alone, do your best to break contact and regroup with friendlies. Stick with your battle buddy!

Leaders may send out pickets. But if they are solo they should observe and report before breaking contact and regrouping. Scouting and pickets are not allowed to initiating fighting.

Stream sniping or meta gaming

Meta gaming is relaying any information about mission-related content that shouldn't be known. This is not allowed in any shape or form.

Example: You get killed and are able to see the enemy team's location. You then choose to message someone alive on a third-party platform (like steam) about their locations.

These will result in a ban from future Coalition PvP events.