COALITION Wiki Vehicle/Aircraft Operations

Vehicle/Aircraft Operations


In almost all missions here at Coalition, vehicles will be used in many different capacities. It is important that you understand both ground and air vehicle operations if you plan on using them within sessions.

Ground Vehicles

Ground vehicles can range from an ATV to an M1A2 Abrams main battle tank during sessions.


Transport vehicles range from anything between light cars to heavy transport trucks. They are vehicles with very little to no combat effectiveness that are used to transport troops or supplies.

Transport vehicles are used to get from point A to point B. While most vehicles we use will be armed, you should not rely on them to provide as a frontline combat unit. With little to no armour and no crew protection, they make for easy targets. Instead you should try to use them as a base of fire, or to partially dismount and advance with the infantry.

Combat Capable

These are armoured personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles and main battl tanks. Refer to vehicle identification for a detailed list of such vehicles. APCs and IFVs are capable of transporting troops into the battlefield with added protection.

Your role when you are crewing a combat capable vehicle is to support the infantry. The infantry will keep anit-tank crews away from you, while you support their advance and knock out any armor they encounter. You should never lead a push into a city or through hedgerows without infantry support. You have a mutually beneficial relationship with the infantry so use it to your advantage against enemy forces.

Air Vehicles

Rotary Wing


Easily distinguishable by their rotary sound, transport helicopters come in different types of shapes. The lighter helicopters being things such as littlebirds. Medium helicopters usually come in the form of something like a blackhawk or a UH-1H. The Russian variant would be an Mi-8. Bigger transport helicopters would be things like Chinooks, the Osprey or a Merlin. Transport helicopters are useful for quick insertions, or for travelling long distances. Can also be used as CAS if the helicopter in question has door-gunners.

Combat Air Support(CAS)

Fixed Wing


Combat Air Support(CAS)