COALITION Wiki Dossier


Revision as of 06:07, 24 April 2018 by Tanaka (talk | contribs)
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As a recruit, you need to set up a dossier. Dossiers are living documents that have some basic information in them about yourself. Anytime you gain awards or promotions, it'll be posted to your dossier.
To create a dossier:
1.) Copy the template here
2.) Create a thread here with the title:

[Dossier] yourAliasHere

Ideally you should provide at least a paragraph about yourself. This is the first impression many members will get about you, so make it good!

Finding your A3 Player ID

20 second video on finding your player ID

Extended Absences

Your dossier is the place to post all known absences if you plan on being away from the group, sessions, and/or activities for awhile. If anything private comes up and you don't want it to be on your dossier, you can always alert a staff member through forum or discord PM.

Name Consistency

As you register and use our communication mediums (Forums, Discord, Teamspeak), ensure every username is the same. As an example, don't be JohnDoe on the forums and J.Doe223 in-game or on discord.