COALITION Wiki Sign-up for Orientation

Sign-up for Orientation

Revision as of 18:06, 6 June 2018 by Tanaka (talk | contribs)
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Finally, once you have your dossier posted and connected to discord, your final task is to conduct a 30min orientation on how sessions work here at Coalition. A recruit trainer will contact you ASAP to get this done.

Why do we require orientation and what do we go over?

Simply put, we require orientation because it cuts down on the amount of questions that you need to ask in the middle of a live mission particularly if you are new to the game or the mods we use. Orientation times vary based on how experienced a person is with ACE, ACRE, and ARMA controls. Our main goals are to make sure you had no issues with your modpack install, familiarize you with these mods, introduce you to the ideology of Coalition itself, and show off some framework features you might not see in other groups.

If you are an experienced player we mainly focus on how things work within the group and do a quick run through of our checklist to make sure you know whats up.

If you are a new player we will take the time to answer any and all questions you have about anything that you feel you need to know to transition into ARMA easily. We will also offer suggestions on certain controls or settings to help streamline your experience in-game.

Some of the biggest things on our checklist include but are not limited to:

  • ACE Interaction and Medical
  • ACRE radio keys and how to change volume settings
  • How to use the in-game "Message Admin" system
  • What we expect of you if you become a full member
  • Binding a few important miscellaneous controls
  • Answering any and all questions you have