Troubleshooting Swifty 3.X.X
This is a troubleshooting FAQ for Swifty 3.0. It is not compatible with legacy build 2.0. Refer to the Legacy build FAQ for help there.
This FAQ is a WIP
Log files
Swifty log files are stored in your Appdata. To get there, type %appdata% in your windows search bar. This will put you in your Appdata/roaming folder.
The full log folder path is C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Swifty\logs
Logs are sorted into sub-folders numbered by month. Every month will have sub-folders numbered by day. You will only have folders for days you ran swifty. For example, you may have a log from December 5th. your path will look like this C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Swifty\logs\12\5
Inside there you will find text documents named by year and time stamp e.g: 2018-4-20-pm. These are your logs. Pick the one that is closest to the time of the error. You can open these in notepad. If you do not know what you are looking for, feel free to send the whole document to our discord tech support channel.