COALITION Wiki Gear script database

Gear script database

Revision as of 03:17, 3 February 2020 by Shima (talk | contribs)

The Gear Script Database is where you can upload and download gear scripts from the community. Gear script files are .hpp extension files that contain all the information for what a faction's loadout will be in a mission. Members can access the database by signing into the website, navigating to ARMA3 -> MISSIONS -> Gearscript Database.

The List

The main page of the database displays a list of 25 items at a time of all the view-able gear script items that have been uploaded. Here is an example of the previews: GSITEMEXAMPLE.PNG

Here we can tell that this script is called ||TODO||, it is compliant for the Coalition Mission Framework (CMF) number ||TODO||

Viewing a Gear Script

Adding and Editing a Gear Script