COALITION Wiki Installing our modpack

Installing our modpack

Revision as of 07:53, 4 January 2021 by Philbilly (talk | contribs)

Preset links

Required mods only:

All mods + optional mods:

Steam workshop collection:

The required mod preset includes all the mods you need to play with us, However we do also allow a few optional effects related mods that change sounds and visual effects. These are optional so as not to impact performance on less powerful PCs. You only need to use the preset link for the mods you intend to use!

Alternatively you can subscribe to all the mods on the workshop page and setup your own preset. This is not recommended if you are new to such things.

Importing a preset

1.) Download the HTML file for the preset you would like to use.
2.) Open the ARMA 3 launcher, and click the "mods" tab Vanillalncher.png
3.) Click the "Presets" dropdown on the top right Vanillalncher1.png
4.) You should now see the "Import" button at the bottom of this dropdown. Click it. Vanillalncher2.png
5.) This will open a file explorer window. In this window find the HTML in your downloads folder and select it as the file you would like to import. Then click open. Vanillalncher3.png

This should prompt a new window to appear that verifies you would like to download these mods. Click "subscribe to all". This should start the mods downloading as well as place any mods you might already have installed into the launch preset!

Once the mods are all downloaded you are good to play!

Important Notes

Occasionally we have our own fixes or variations of mod files that we use. If you try to launch the game and it warns about missing mod dependencies the first time you run the pack, you should typically IGNORE this warning message and do not run the dependency.