COALITION Wiki Machine Gun Team

Machine Gun Team



Is exploiting the suppression mechanic your favorite activity? Do you appreciate the fine art of swiss cheesing light vehicles? Do you crave overwhelming amounts of DAKKA?! Then operating a machine gun may be your calling!

Be it a basic Auto-rifleman, or a full blown emplaced or turret mounted Heavy Machine Gun. The same basic principles apply!

Automatic Rifleman Buddy Team

  • The Automatic rifleman himself is the second in command of his fireteam. He coordinates with his FTL to position himself and his assistant in an effective way for the given objective.
  • The AAR - Assistant Automatic rifleman carries extra ammo, builds trenches to house the gun, clears grass and brush to open up sightlines, and uses his binoculars to guide the gunner's fire on target.

AR Buddy Team Equipment

In addition to the standard GI loadout such as radios and bandages, The AR Buddy team is outfitted with the following specialized equipment to assist them in their role:

Automatic Rifleman

  • Squad Automatic Rifle System (Ig. RPK, M249)
    • Bipod if weapon supports it
    • Non magnified optic if supplied
  • Sidearm

Assistant Auto-rifleman

  • Standard Rifle/Carbine
    • Non magnified optic if supplied.
  • Entrenchment tool
  • Binoculars
  • Extra Ammo for the Automatic rifle.


  • The Team Leader/Commander coordinates at the Squad and Platoon level to acquire movement and targeting information, which is then passed along to the rest of the team.
  • The Gunner operates the primary weapon system, managing ammunition consumption and weapon function.
  • The Assistant builds fortifications to house the weapon system and gunner, supplies ammunition as needed and provides area security.

MMG/HMG Equipment

In addition to the standard GI loadout such as radios and bandages, the machine gun team is outfitted with the following specialized equipment to assist them in their role:

Team Lead/Commander

  • Squad and/or Platoon-level Radios
  • Binoculars


  • Primary Weapon System
    • Magnified optic if supplied (Ig. Elcan)
    • Packed in backpack for HMG platforms


  • Primary Weapon Ammunition
  • Binoculars
  • Entrenchment Tool
  • Weapon Bipod (If fielding a HMG platform)

MMG/HMG Operation

  • Command will establish a location for the team to set up, along with desired firing arcs.
  • The Gunner and Assistant will establish a base of fire and fortifications within the specified area of operation, utilizing their best judgement of the locale to pick the exact spot.
  • The Commander and/or Assistant will provide range estimates of various landmarks within the arc of fire to the Gunner.
  • The Gunner will set the weapon's zero to the appropriate setting for the distance and prepare to acquire targets.
  • The Commander will select targets for the Gunner in preparation of combat.
  • The Assistant will take up a security position to protect the nest's flanks.
  • The Commander will specify a firing rate and issue the command to begin firing.
    • Sustained Fire Rate is the standard rate for the weapon, generally consisting of 2-3 round bursts with a 1-2 second delay between for damage assessment and retargeting.
    • Rapid Fire Rate is specified during emergency/final defensive line situations, consisting of 5-10 round bursts with a 1-2 second delay between for retargeting.
    • Cyclic Fire Rate is rarely utilized due to heat/ammunition requirements to maintain, and consists of sustained firing of the weapon with little to no delay between bursts.
  • The Gunner will begin firing at specified targets or targets of opportunity within the designated zone.
  • The Commander will issue corrections of distance and angle to improve effectiveness.

Weapon Sight Profiles

(Common MG optic guides to be added. For example the Elcan.)