COALITION Wiki Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

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In Game:

Respect briefings/Command/Slotting


30 minutes before every session we have pre-join. This is to ensure that you have no issues joining the server, or trouble with any mods. During pre-join you’re free to mess around, however you should still not be doing stupid shit.


Before every mission there will be a slotting phase. This phase is split up into a few parts. First, we slot leaders and medics. These are the most important roles. Establishing the leadership is important before we slot everyone else, as leadership determines what roles are to be taken. If everyone were to be able to slot freely with no structure, some issues would occur during the mission itself. After the leaders and medic phase comes the specialties, these are slots like Helicopter Pilots or HMG Teams. When we’re done with specialties it’s time to slot “normal” slots, such as AARs, Riflemen AT. (See Fireteam Structure) When we slot these roles, new-joins will slot first. This is to ensure that the recruits will have more experienced members within their fireteam, in case they run into any issues.

It is important that you listen when slotting occurs. Having people talk over each other in the lobby during the slotting phase will only slow things down. We don’t have a system to make everyone shut up, we trust you’re all grown up enough to know when the time comes. Slotting is not something that should take long, and you should be quiet and wait for the mission to start. Pick your slots, and don’t worry if you don’t get the specific slot that you want. We run several missions every session, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to try different things. There’s plenty of time to talk during the briefing, and during the mission itself. These conversations should therefore be saved for when the mission starts.

When the player who is in command is briefing the other command elements or planning the mission, he should be given the time and space to do so. Don’t run up to the command and say something that can be easily saved for later, we want to get into the mission as fast as possible. When the person in charge is done with planning, respective squad leaders and fire team leaders will brief their teams. Make sure you listen, because nobody wants to brief you twice. Even if you’re an AAR or a RAT you still need to know what you’re getting into.

Out of Game:

The Golden Rule - do unto others as you would like done to you. We trust you all know how to act like adults. Be yourself. This is a fraternity, but it can’t function if we don’t actually get to know each other. We are not a milsim community outside of our ARMA sessions. Yes, we do take our main game seriously, but when we’re just hanging out, we’re all just dudes who like to play video games sometimes. If you’re worried about milsim aspects creeping into daily life in the Coalition, don’t be. Real bigotry is not tolerated at all. If you have extreme prejudices, feel free to not share them. That being said, you need to have a thick skin to be a part of this group. Don’t expect we will accommodate any emotional baggage if you find yourself offended, we expect you all to be grown ups.

Forums and Discord:

  • Remember the old adage from 2004, what goes on the internet never goes away. Just keep that in mind.
  • Discord can get clogged up pretty easily if we’re all chatting it up in a public channel, be aware of other’s trains of thoughts, don’t clog up the channel
  • Keep shitposting in #general to a minimum, especially when people are actually discussing. It’s our main channel as a group, and therefore acts as a general melting pot for discussion. Anything goes here, just remain mindful.
  • Be aware of the topic of your post/chat. Post it in the right channel or on the right board for the topic.
  • The "nowplaying" channel in discord is purely for announcing play sessions. If you are looking for people to play a game with, you should use the @here command to let the group know. Anyone online should see it and come flocking to play 2007 Runescape with you. However, this channel is not for discussion. Keep discussion of games (and any play sessions mentioned in #nowplaying) to #othergames.
  • Keep things safe for work. People check discord at work or in class, and we’ve got people in every single time zone. There is no time of day where you don’t run the risk of getting someone in trouble if you’ve got NSFW material in public channels. Keep these posts in places where people don’t run a risk of getting in trouble for looking at dodgy pictures (teamspeak, private chats, etc).