COALITION Wiki Role Guidelines

Role Guidelines


Roles and Repsonsibilities:

Within the session, each role you might take carry differing levels of responsibility and necessary consideration. Ultimately, whichever roles you take, three rules of thumb:

  • Be clear and precise in orders
  • Operate confidently
  • Take care of your subordinates


  • Every in-game leader has a great influence on how the mission can play out - from how successful you are at completing your objectives, to how much fun everyone has had. In certain situations these can conflict - For example, using an IFV as base of fire might be extremely effective and mitigate friendly casualties - but will the infantry players (Usually the majority within a given mission) have fun clearing 40 buildings, only two of which are still occupied? Another example is base-of-fire elements themselves. Particularly with fireteams, it's good practice to switch up which FT is providing BOF on each assault - Not only because the first FT is likely to have taken more casualties, but also because the second might feel left out.
  • For FTLs, know that the way in which you interact with your subordinates can also have a profound effect on your subordinate's enjoyment of a mission. If you're assigning people to rear-security, make sure it's not the same person every time you stop. As with the SL controlling the fireteams, make sure to switch up which colour team is bounding first or being given a building to clear.


  • Scouts might be a particular slot, but more often than not they will be designated as necessary from within infantry fireteams.
  • Your responsibility as a scout is to locate or provide forewarning of enemy forces. You are not there to score kills or be a guerrilla fighter.

Scouts see the most implementation in TvTs, and as such, both their leader(s) and themselves must bear certain things in mind. Particularly, it's not fun to be ambushed by a lone guy hiding in a tree after you've passed by them. As a scout, you should have several viable routes of fallback, and use them once you've ascertained what you need to (Enemy force composition, intent, direction of movement). A good scout should never have to fire his weapon when acting as such.


  • Pilots pilot pilotable vehicles. Generally speaking, it's either a transport that could have upwards of 20 other players inside it, or a CAS platform with enough firepower to wipe out upwards of 20 players inside a few seconds. As such, both roles carry a lot of responsibility. If you wish to take a pilot slot in session, first evaluate your familiarity with piloting medium transports at the very least. If you aren't confident, it's probably best to give it up to someone who is.
  • If you end up a gunner for a CAS helicopter (or other platform), know that the firepower and tools you possess and your particular vulnerabilities typically allow you plenty of opportunity to conduct visual IFF on potential targets. It's better to hold fire on an enemy element than accidentally wipe out a fireteam of players. Where necessary, liaise with Platoon and call for marking smoke to indicate friendly or target positions.