COALITION Wiki Dossier/Forums


Revision as of 01:46, 17 November 2016 by Tanaka (talk | contribs)


You are now a trial member of the coalition, a draftee of sorts, hopefully enticed by our values and even more so by our Community. But now that you've been accepted we need some basic information.
Navigate to The Coalition Forums, for which you should have access (if not contact a staff member), and post a new thread in the Dossier section. Your dossier the a place to keep all information about yourself including updates about yourself on anything you may deem necessary or important.

Here we're looking for:
    - Your first and last name
    - ArmA3 Player ID:
         - See below for this process 
    - Steam Profile URL: 
         - Should not be private, we may need to message you
    - Join Date
    - Your Availability: 
         - Eg 50% = "expected to attend 4 out of 8 sessions a month"
    - Finally, a real-world photo of yourself.
         - All user avatars on the forums are real-world pictures. This is an enforced policy.

Extended Absences

Your dossier the a place to post all known absences if you plan on being away from the group sessions and activities for awhile. If anything private comes up and you don't want it to be on your dossier, you can always alert a staff member through forum or discord PM.