COALITION Wiki Mortar Team

Mortar Team

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A mortar team can consist of a Commander/spotter, Gunner, and a Loader.

The Commander relays radio information and targeting information to the gunner and loader. Such as where the shells need to land, how many, and of which type.

The Gunner does what you’d think, he aims the mortar and pulls the trigger.

The loader selects the right shell and keeps the mortar loaded in accordance with what the Commander wants.

The Commander and Gunner loadouts will have:

  • 82mm Range Tables
  • Map tools

Range Table: Shows distances adjustments and time of flight to target

Map Tools: Gives accurate distance estimates on a map. Each number is 1000m on the edge of the tool.

How to use:

Command will mark a target and instruct the commander over radio which round (he, smoke, illumination) to use

The commander and gunner use the map tools to range the target. While the Loader loads the proper round.

Open the range tables and determine the elevation and charge to use.

The gunner adjusts the mortar to the correct direction, ELEV (range keys: default Page UP and Page down, hold SHIFT to change the range slowly), and Charge (fire mode key: default 1), relays to the commander and fires if instructed.

The commander relays the flight time to Command and calls “splash” when the mortar should hit.

Forward observer or commander will call for adjustment to ELEV or direction.

Gunner adjusts, and Loader loads another round.

Gunner then fires again if instructed.