COALITION Wiki Event Commander Guidelines

Event Commander Guidelines

Revision as of 18:50, 19 February 2023 by Tanaka (talk | contribs)

Commander Duties

Chronologically in order of importance:

  1. Meeting with Commanders and Event Creator to finalize rosters, review Coalition Community Events Rules, and answer any questions Commanders may have.
  2. Company-level operations order (OPORD) 1 week prior to mission.
  3. Planning meetings with leadership (at least 2 preferred) leading up to missions.
  4. Platoon Leaders should have their Platoon-level plans ready at least 2 days before mission.


  • Immediately upon election as a Commander:
    • Review event rules
    • Meet with event creator to clarify event specifics
  • Two weeks prior:
    • Begin to build a Miro or PLANOPs board for wargaming and strategy
    • Publish a WhenIsGood to set up leadership meetings
  • One week prior:
    • Publish Operations Order (OPORD)
    • Conduct at least one meeting with leadership to relay plan and game play specifics
